Checking and Savings                                                  Effective 03/01/25

Deposit Account APY** Minimum Opening Deposit Credited
Savings .15% $0 - $2,500.00 Monthly
Savings 2.00% $2,500.01 & Up Monthly
Checking .15% $25.00 Monthly Dividend Earned on Average Balance of $300.00 or more.
Holiday Account 2.00% $0.00 Annually
IRA 12 Month Certificate 4.00% $100.00 Monthly
6 Month
Share Certificate
Special - Limited Time
Limit One Per Member
4.25% $5,000.00 Monthly
9 Month 
Share Certificate Special - Limited Time
Limit One Per Member
4.00%  $5,000.00 Monthly
1 Year
Share Certificate
4.00% $5,000.00 Monthly
2 Year
Share Certificate
4.00% $5,000.00   Monthly

Mortgage                                                                            Effective 03/01/25

Loan Type APR* Details
Adjustable Rate Mortgages As Low As
Variety of repayment terms available.
Contact our mortgage lending department for more information.
15, 20 & 30 Year Fixed Rate Please call for rates These loans are available on the secondary market. The Credit Union retains the servicing of these loans.
Term Buster Fixed Rate Mortgages As Low As 
Variety of repayment terms available. Contact our mortgage lending department for more information. 
Permanent financing of construction loans is available. 
Contact the credit union for more information!

Home Equity Line Of Credit (HELOC)                       Effective 03/01/25

Loan Type APR* Details
Open-End Line of Credit
As Low As 7.50%¹

Up to 95% assessed or 90% appraised home value less other liens.
Estimated fees as low as $167.00²

Home Makeover                                                             Effective 03/01/25

Loan Type APR* Details
For home repairs
and remodeling projects.
Loan amounts of
$5,000 – $50,000
    As Low As 6.25%

    As Low As 8.00%  

Up to 80% of Appraised or Assessed

Up to 90% Appraised or 95% Assessed

Estimated Fees as low as $167.00² 

Autos and Recreational Vehicles                             Effective 03/01/25

Loan Type Term APR** Conditions
New Titled Autos
& Recreational  Vehicles

Up to 72 Months
Up to 84 Months/
over $30,001

As Low As 5.50%
100% of NADA Book Retail Value.
Full Coverage Insurance Required.
Add on for Tax & Licensing.
Up to 90† Days to First Payment.
Used Titled Autos
& Recreational Vehicles

Up to 72 Months

As Low As 6.40%

100% of NADA Book Retail Value.
Full Coverage Insurance required.
Add on for tax & licensing.
Up to 90† days to first payment.
New Titled Recreational Vehicles
Extended Terms
Up to 96 Months

Up to 120 Months
As Low As 7.50%

As Low As 8.50%
$30,001 to $50,000

$50,001 and over
Used Titled Recreational Vehicles
Extended Terms
Up to  96 Months

Up to 120 Months
As Low As 8.40%

As Low As 9.40%
$30,001 to $50,000

$50,001 and over
Previously Salvaged Vehicles Up to 72 Months 9.85% 70% of NADA Book Retail Value. 
Classic Cars Up to 72 Months 10.85%
50% of Classic Car Value “Good.”
ATV and UTV loans limited to 50% Loan-to-Value.

Personal Loans                                                                 Effective 03/01/25

Loan Type Term APR** Conditions
Personal Loan Up to 72 Months As Low As 10.50% Maximum $30,000
Vacation Loan 12 Months 5.00% Maximum $3,000
Back-to-School Loan 12 Months 6.50% Maximum $2,000
Share Secured Loan Call Credit Union
for terms
3.00%  APR subject to change annually based on current share rate +1.00%
Overdraft Protection
As Low As 10.50%          Maximum  $5,000

Platinum Rewards MasterCard                                Effective 03/01/25

Loan Type APR**
Platinum Rewards MasterCard® Credit Card
1.5% Cash Back on ALL purchases
As Low As 10.9%

*APR = Annual Percentage Rate. 
**Rates are based on an evaluation of credit history. Your rate may differ. Rates quoted are lowest rate offered. Your rate may be higher depending on your credit history and other underwriting factors. Our loan officers will discuss your application and available rate(s) with you.
**APY = Annual Percentage Yield.
Minimum balance required to earn the APY.