Open Your Eyes to a Credit Union
Nebraska Energy Federal Credit Union, along with the Nebraska Credit Union League and credit unions across the U.S., is a proud supporter of the Credit Union Awareness initiative. This effort aims to create awareness and consideration for over 5,000 credit unions nationwide, ultimately connecting more consumers with credit unions.
The Open Your Eyes to a Credit Union Campaign, created by Credit Union Awareness, was created to raise awareness for consumers when looking for a financial service provider and what it means to be a credit union member.
Some misconceptions about credit unions:
Myth #1: I Can't Join A Credit Union - Credit Unions are member-based. Individuals can join a credit union based on the credit union's field of membership, a common bond between members such as employment, geographic location (live, work or worship within a defined radius of the credit union) or group memberships (credit union partnerships with organizations, schools, labor unions, associations, etc.). There's a credit union for everyone. Click on the Your Money Further link below to find a credit union for you!
Who can join NEFCU?
- Employees who work at entities engaged in the electrical power generation, transmission and distribution industry in Nebraska, South Dakota, Wyoming and Colorado.
- Employees of a Municipality in Nebraska.
- Students enrolled in a Nebraska Lineman or Wind & Solar School
- Employees of companies who provide products/services to the electrical power industry in Nebraska.
- Relatives of current members (spouse, children, stepchildren, parents, step-siblings, adoptions, brothers, sisters, half-brothers, half-sisters).
Join Our Family
Myth #2: It's Hard to Access My Money - Credit Unions offer members a variety of online and mobile services providing 24/7 access to their accounts. In addition, ATM/Debit Cards for access to cash. Many credit union have partnered with various ATM networks to provide the locations of surcharge free ATM's nationwide.
How can you access your money at NEFCU?
- Anytime, anywhere online and mobile account access.
- Mobile Deposit App - deposit checks safely and securely from your mobile device.
- Access to cash from your checking account 24/7. Look for surcharge free ATM's displaying the Money Pass, STAR Network or ATM Co-op.*
- Send and receive money quick, safe and easy with Zelle®
- iPay FREE Bill Payer
Myth #3: Credit Unions do not offer the same financial products as banks - Actually, compared to other financial providers, credit unions offer many of the same products and services. Credit Unions are not-for profit. Earnings are returned to members in the form of higher savings rates, lower loan rates and fewer fees.
Why Join NEFCU?
- Excellent member service.
- Anytime, Anywhere, 24/7 online account access.
- Competitive savings rates, low loan rates and fewer fees.
- Focus on electronic and digital delivery of products and services.
Join Our Family
Join the millions of Americans getting more from their money by joining a credit union! To learn more about the campaign, visit the Your Money Further website.